Bio identical Hormone therapy Lyndhurst, NJ - Renewal Hormone Clinic

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones and Hormone Deficiency

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced in the human body to treat deficiencies and imbalance associated with aging and health conditions. As we age or develop certain illnesses, our bodies may not produce adequate amounts of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormones, etc. This can lead to unpleasant symptoms and negative health effects.

Bioidentical hormones can be custom-compounded to match your body's natural hormones. Getting hormone levels optimized with bioidentical hormones can provide immense benefits and help people feel their best. Read on to learn more about bioidentical hormones, who can benefit, what symptoms they address, risks and side effects, and why Renewal Hormone Clinic specializes in advanced bioidentical hormone therapies.

Who Can Benefit from Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

There are a few key groups that often experience hormone imbalance and can greatly benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement:

Our services

Women Experiencing Perimenopause or Menopause

As women reach perimenopause and menopause, their ovaries gradually produce less estrogen and progesterone. This commonly causes symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, trouble sleeping, mood changes, weight gain, and low libido.

Bioidentical estrogen and progesterone can effectively ease these symptoms when produced in the proper ratios and doses customized for your needs. Balancing these hormones based on lab testing ensures you have the right levels in your body for optimal health during this transition and beyond.

Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS causes hormone imbalances including elevated male hormones like testosterone along with irregular production of estrogen and progesterone. Bioidentical hormones can be used synergistically with medications and supplements to better regulate the menstrual cycle, boost fertility, reduce excess hair growth, restore ovulation, stabilize mood, support proper estrogen metabolism, and relieve other PCOS issues.

Men Experiencing Low Testosterone

In men, low testosterone is associated with symptoms like fatigue, reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, loss of strength and muscle mass, weight gain (especially belly fat), depression, irritability, and cognitive decline later in life.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with bioidentical testosterone can safely and effectively raise testosterone levels, greatly improving the bothersome physical and mental effects of this deficiency for men as they age or due to health conditions. TRT requires oversight from an experienced hormone specialist to properly implement for the unique needs of each patient.

People with Thyroid Disorders

The thyroid hormones T3 and T4 have wide-ranging effects on cognition, weight, cholesterol, heart health, digestion, body temperature, mood, and energy levels. Imbalance of these hormones results in hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

Thyroid hormone replacement using bioidentical hormones can accurately supplement the body’s insufficient hormone production to resolve hypothyroidism. Bioidentical thyroid hormones are also used when treating hyperthyroidism in combination with other therapies to inhibit thyroid hormone production until balance is restored.

Experience the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy!

Assessing Hormone Deficiency with Laboratory Testing

The first step our center takes with new patients is comprehensively testing blood, saliva, or urinary hormone levels along with evaluation of clinical symptoms to accurately determine which hormones are imbalanced or deficient for developing a customized treatment plan. Follow-up testing occurs throughout therapy to ensure hormones are optimized within safe ranges for each patient’s physiology and needs. We utilize high-quality specialty labs providing sensitive hormone assays.

Some examples of key hormones we test before beginning new patients on bioidentical hormone therapy include:

Adjustment of bioidentical hormone dosing occurs throughout long-term therapy based on follow-up testing, monitoring symptoms, changes in health status, medications used, age, and other individual needs. Our practitioners have specialized expertise fine-tuning and troubleshooting bioidentical hormones for optimal balance.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Treatment Approach

There are various forms of bioidentical hormones we offer patients based on their case history, symptoms, test results, risks, lifestyle considerations, and personal preferences:

The goal of bioidentical hormone therapy is optimizing levels to resolve deficiency symptoms and promote better health in the long-term while minimizing risks. This requires an expert in hormones guiding treatment plans and modifications unique to you.

Benefits our patients commonly report from properly balanced bioidentical hormone replacement include:

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for treating menopausal symptoms. Although marketed as "natural," the body processes bioidentical estradiol the same as synthetic estradiol. More research is needed on the long-term safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormones.

Renewal Hormone Clinic Specialized in Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Why Choose Our Clinic for Bioidentical Hormones?

There are many reasons Renewal Hormone Clinic is the top choice for bioidentical hormone therapy in Lyndhurst. As bioidentical hormone specialists with decades of experience, we provide:

Our Team of Bioidentical Hormone Experts

We assembled a world-class team of regenerative biomedical providers to care for those experiencing hormone imbalance and deficiency:

This multidisciplinary collaborative approach centered around the latest advancements in bioidentical hormone restoration ensures Renewal Hormone Clinic patients receive the best therapy possible. We also work closely with your other healthcare providers to coordinate complementary care.

Bottom Line: If you suspect hormone imbalance or deficiency may be the root cause of unwanted symptoms negatively impacting quality of life, we have the expertise, testing capabilities, therapies, and caring guidance to solve complex hormone cases where many treatments have failed. Renewal Hormone Clinic seeks to restore not just optimal hormones, but vitality and joy back into your life.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Diagnosing and Treating Key Hormone Deficiencies

There are key hormones both men and women may become deficient in with age or due to health conditions. The sections below overview symptoms of deficiencies, testing, bioidentical hormone options we offer, and expected benefits when properly treating deficiencies in these critical hormones:

Low Estrogen in Women

Symptoms - Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and irritation, insomnia, heart palpitations, joint pain, bone loss, bladder issues, mood instability, lack of motivation, fatigue

Testing – Blood serum or urine tests measuring estradiol, the strongest estrogen hormone

Treatments - Biomimetic estriol or estradiol in oral, sublingual, transdermal, injectable, or pellet delivery methods

Benefits - Reduces hot flashes/night sweats, improves sleep, mood, motivation and cognitive function, increases libido, promotes healthy bone density and heart function, enhances skin and connective tissue, relieves urogenital atrophy

Low Progesterone in Women

Symptoms – PMS, painful/heavy periods, infertility, miscarriage, anxiety, insomnia, weight gain, fluid retention, brain fog

Testing – Blood serum, urine, or salivary progesterone levels

Treatments – Bioidentical progesterone - oral capsules, sublingual tablets, topical creams

Benefits – Normalizes menstrual cycle and prepares uterus for pregnancy, promotes calm and ease during peri/menopause, aids sleep, supports cognition and bone density, regulates estrogen metabolism, promotes fat burning

Low Testosterone in Men or Women

Symptoms - Low libido, erectile dysfunction, reduced muscle mass, weight gain, fatigue, depression, irritability, weakened immunity

Testing – Blood serum total and free testosterone levels

Treatments – Bioidentical testosterone - injections, transdermal gels/creams, sublingual drops, pellets

Benefits – Increased lean muscle mass, enhanced sex drive and performance, improved mood and motivation, healthy weight management, stronger heart and bone health, anti-aging effects throughout the body and brain

Estrogen Dominance / Progesterone Deficiency

Symptoms – Heavy irregular menstrual bleeding, fibroids, fatigue, fluid retention/bloating, weight gain, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, headaches

Testing – Comparison of serum or salivary estradiol to progesterone ratios

Treatments – Increase bioidentical progesterone relative to estrogen supplementation

Benefits – Helps regulate menstrual cycles, alleviates PMS/painful periods, promotes calmness and stability of mood, aides with cervix preparations in early pregnancy

Low Thyroid - Hypothyroidism

Symptoms - Fatigue, sluggish metabolism, weight gain, brain fog, hair loss, cold intolerance, constipation, muscle cramps

Testing – TSH, free T3, free T4, thyroid antibodies blood tests

Treatments – Levothyroxine, liothyronine, dessicated thyroid, T3/T4 compounded creams

Benefits - Restore metabolism/cellular function, resolve low energy, promote healthy cognition and digestion, reduce high cholesterol, support weight loss and fertility

Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment of Hormone Imbalances

Hormone deficiencies and excessively high/low levels can negatively impact nearly all aspects of health pretty quickly once they reach critical imbalances. Yet recognizing symptoms and seeking specialized treatment often gets overlooked or put off. Some key reasons acting swiftly to diagnose and address hormone imbalance is vitally important include:

Impaired Quality of Life - Deficient or excessive key hormones often significantly lower enjoyment of day-to-day activities and social connections due to undesirable mental and physical changes. Relationships and work performance also commonly suffer without proper hormone balance.

Disease Progression - Left untreated, hormone disorders like thyroid deficiencies frequently worsen gradually over time, resulting in greater destruction of glandular function. This makes treatment less successful the longer one waits.

Inflammation and Pain – Unbalanced estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol provoke widespread inflammation and pain issues throughout the body triggering fibromyalgia, arthritis, nerve hypersensitivities, pelvic pain, and migraines.

Mood Instability - Insufficient estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and thyroid hormones are all associated with anxiety, irritability, depression, and emotional deregulation which deeply undermine mental health and self-confidence.

Metabolic Dysfunction - Low thyroid function dramatically slows metabolism contributing to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes over the long run.

Bone Loss - Dropping estrogen levels during peri/menopause coupled with inadequate calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and other bone support nutrients leads to development of osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Cognitive Decline – Imbalances in key hormones accelerate brain aging and raise dementia risks if not treated promptly with hormone balancing and nootropic supplements.

Reproductive Issues – Infertility, erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, menstrual irregularities and miscarriages often stem from low testosterone, estrogen or progesterone which hormone restoration therapies can effectively improve.

Fortunately, the practitioners at Renewal Hormone Clinic specialize in quickly identifying hormone imbalance early on using advanced testing and polished evaluation skills. We couple testing with proven hormone balancing treatments matched to your unique needs to relieve deficiency symptoms as safely and rapidly as possible. This prompt precision balancing of hormones is essential for enjoying peak wellness throughout life! Contact us today to see how our integrative offerings can optimize your hormone health.

Renewal Hormone Clinic Offering Personalized Care in Lyndhurst

Lyndhurst Overview

Nestled amongst the Watchung Mountains of northern New Jersey within Union County, Lyndhurst provides a scenic small town feel near major highways and just 14 miles outside Manhattan. Home to about 20,000 people and over 5 square miles of parks, recreational fields, and preserved open space, it strikes an impressive balance between natural beauty and suburban convenience.

Residents enjoy a strong sense of community combined with diversity and family-friendly neighborhoods. The Passaic River flows through portions of Lyndhurst's southern region. It has a significant business district along NJ-17 containing numerous restaurants, shops and services. While densely populated compared to surrounding rural areas, Lyndhurst retains parklands and local community charm.

Ideal Lyndhurst Location for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

With quick access off NJ-3 and the New Jersey Turnpike plus rods and light rail transit options into NYC,Renewal Hormone Clinic is advantageously positioned to serve Lyndhurst area residents seeking specialized bioidentical hormone therapy.

We centralized our clinic in this location to also be near various laboratory facilities, compounding pharmacies, complementary wellness businesses, entertainment/dining, and recreation supporting the goals of our regenerative therapies. For those commuting significant distances to visit our office, it remains a convenient base location to access many amenities during the course of treatment.

Our practitioners understand the fast-paced lifestyle demands and economic stressors facing so many in the Lyndhurst population. We realize the extra efforts and planning visiting our office requires for those managing careers, families, homes, and relationships while dealing with unpleasant hormone deficiency symptoms.

You can trust our welcoming staff and providers to maximize efficiency and considerateness when organizing testing, consultations, therapy sessions and follow-ups to match your busy schedule as closely as possible. We aim to minimize wait times while providing caring one-on-one guidance tailored to your distinct needs.

Key Places Nearby Supporting Hormone Therapy Goals

Renewal Hormone Clinic patients appreciate having access within Lyndhurst or neighboring towns to business supporting therapy goals like:

Renewal Hormone Clinic practitioners provide referrals and resources convenient to Lyndhurst for qualified ancillary services that synergize with the positive effects of bioidentical hormone therapy. We seek to educate and empower your endogenous healing abilities along with prescribing bioidentical hormones and supplements specifically indicated for your deficiencies and health goals. Let our top hormone experts design a personalized optimization plan catered to your distinct needs as a Lyndhurst area resident!

Lifestyle and Wellness Recommendations for Enhancing Hormone Therapy Effects

Critical to successful management of hormone deficiencies through replacement therapy is adopting key lifestyle and wellness habits making the most of treatment benefits. Our providers work closely with patients to establish healthy routines and self-care practices potentiating hormone therapy results such as:

Nutrient-Dense Anti-Inflammatory Diets

Carefully planning regular balanced meals and snacks centered around organic vegetables, high quality proteins, healthy fats, nuts/seeds, low glycemic index fruits and minimal processed carbs provides the essential substrates for hormones to properly exert effects on physiology and brain function. Certain foods contain precursors supporting natural hormone synthesis as well. Eliminating common allergens, alcohol and added sugars reduces inflammation interfering with therapy.

Daily Movement and Light Exercise

Moderate physical activity 20-30 minutes day not only aids healthy weight management and cardiovascular fitness. Exercise triggers key signals activating hormone receptor function plus endogenous hormone production essential for lean tissue development, brain connectivity, and emotional stability enhanced by bioidentical hormone replacement. Our staff provides tele-rehab exercise prescriptions when appropriate.

Stress Modulation and Sleep Hygiene Strategies

Applying restorative yoga poses, breathwork, nature immersion, relaxing hobbies, meditation, massage, visualization practices, positive psychology and sleep hygiene techniques proves critical for controlling cortisol and sympathetics overactivity undermining hormone therapy gains. Multifaceted stress and sleep interventions our providers frequently prescribe potenti

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